Math 3 - Calculus

Case Studies in Calculus

(The downloadable files are compressed in Aladdin's ".sit" format. If need be,
consult the instructions on how to get the free expander to unstuff them.)

This term we will develop three extended applications of calculus. Called Case Studies in Calculus, or CSCs, they will present three examples of using calculus to model real-world problems involving real data. CSC A, CSC B, and CSC C each come in two parts, Part 1 and Part 2. These are in the form of Maple worksheets. Part 2 contains the problem(s) on which students will be reporting. The CSC Reports are Word documents that must be completed and turned in for grading. The grading key will be included below with each report so that students can download it as well and see what we will be looking for in the reports. You should also refer to the holistic evaluation guidelines that give the overall standards that all written work must meet.

CSC Maple Worksheet Download Menu
Part 1 Part 2
CSC A, Part 1 CSC A, Part 2
CSC B, Part 1 CSC B, Part 2
CSC C, Part 1 CSC C, Part 2

  • "math3.m" Maple File-- You will need this file to use many of the commands in the CSCs. You should already have installed it and its companion Math3Help file when you installed the contents of the Maple download-file at the beginning of the term. However, if the file "math3.m" is not in the "lib" folder inside the Maple folder on your hard disk, or if the worksheet "Math3Help.mws" is not in the Maple folder, you can download and install them now.
  • Data files for CSC C-- you should not need these files if you installed the contents of the Maple download-file at the beginning of the term. However, if you do not have Fig2_data and Fig3_data in the Maple folder on your hard disk, you can get them here by downloading these files.
  • Additional instructions for PC users-- if you will be running CSC C on a PC with Windows, Maple will complain and give an error message when it encounters a readdata statement. At that point you should edit the Maple document to add the .txt suffix and put quotes around the file name so that it looks something like
    > readdata("Fig2_data.txt", [float, float]);

    That is, when you get to the commands with readdata in them, and the expected error message appears, add the .txt suffix to the file name and enclose the new file name in quotes " ", reexecute the command, and continue through the worksheet. The problem arises in the way Windows treats the downloaded data files. The Macintosh file includes the necessary file type information as part of the file, whereas Windows encodes it as a suffix in its name.


CSC Word Report Download Menu
CSC Reports Grading Keys
CSC A: Report CSC A: Grading Key
CSC B: Report CSC B: Grading Key
CSC C: Report CSC C: Grading Key