10 - 12 Grades Social Science
This module is part of a series produced at The Universtiy of Nevada at Reno for the National Numeracy Network under a grant from the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Foundation through the National Council on Education and the Disciplines. These brief modules are envisioned as a resource for teachers to use in a classroom setting and also for quantitative literacy workshops for teachers. Each module typically contains one or two examples related to "real world" quantitative literacy issues and includes exercises for students. There is also a section "for the instructor" that contains discussions of some of the topics, solutions to the exercises, and resources for further explorations.


Driving II
Consumer Issues

Jerry Johnson
Universtiy of Nevada, Reno

Consumer issues pertaining to driving can be quantitative. Is it worth driving out of your way to buy cheaper gas? Is it worth buying a more fuel efficient car? Questions such as these rely on basic quantitative reasoning to answer. This modules explores these issues.

The mathematics is basic arithmetic.