MATH 6, Summer 2001

Finite Mathematics


Course description: This course will introduce students to several topics in finite mathematics. We will see many applications of finite mathematics including counting and probability, Markov processes, graph theory, voting theory and game theory. In exploring these topics we'll develop basic set theory, counting techniques and matrix algebra.

Instructor: Liz Stanhope Grader: Ashley Nowygrod

Office: 1L Bradley Hall

Location: Bradley 102 Time: MWF 8:45-9:50 Th 9:00-9:50

Textbook: Finite Mathematics & Its Applications, 7th Ed., by Goldstein, Schneider and Siegel

Homework: There will be two types of homework in this class. The first will be assignments of problems that will be collected daily. These will be posted on the homework page each Monday, Wednesday and Friday and will be collected at the beginning of the following class.

The second type of homework will be weekly 'essay' questions assigned on Monday and collected the following Monday. These questions will require some thought so plan on starting them early in the week. They also will be posted on the homework page.

As a courtesy to the grader, please staple your homework.


Your worst two daily assignment grades and worst 'essay' question grade will be dropped in figuring your final grade.

Student led classes: During the second half of the course we will explore topics in Finite Mathematics through student led classes. Click here for details on how these classes will work.

The topics and schedule for the student led classes will be determined during the third full week of the term. The first group will lead class on 7/23.

Tests: This class will have two exams. The first test will be on all material up to and including that covered on 7/20. The second test will be on all material from 7/23 to the end of class. There will be no exam during the college's final exam period.

There also will be a quiz on Thursday, July 12th. It will be half an hour long and will cover material from 6/22 to 7/9.

First exam: Wednesday, July 25th, at 7pm in Bradley 102.

Second exam: Friday, August 17th, during our regular class time.

Grading: Your final letter grade for Math 6 will be determined by the fraction of 278 possible points you earn. The components of the total score are:

Quiz:: 25

First exam: 60

Second exam: 60

19 Homeworks: 38 (two points each)

6 Essay questions: 60 (ten points each)

Class leader days: 25

Attendance: 10

Honor Principle: Dartmouth students are expected to adhere to the honor principle. In this course that means that while homework can and should be worked on and discussed with others, the work you hand in must be your own. No copying from any source! Tests will be closed book and closed notes. No collaboration is allowed on these tests.

Special Needs: Any student with a disability for whom special accommodations would be helpful is encouraged to discuss this with the instructor as soon as possible.

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