MondaysÕs Homework: Read section 6.3. From section 6.2 do problems 2,11,15,27 and 30. Also do either problems 17 and 18 or come to this talk on the distribution of primes this evening....

"The distribution of primes"

Monday, May 1, 7:00-8:00 pm, Moore Psychology Auditorium B03.

WeddaysÕs Homework: Read sectin 8.1 and 8.2. (Yes chapter 8, I think it is a good idea to do chapter 8 before chapter 7, we will do chapter 7 next.) From section 6.3 do 2,6,10,14,26,27,28.

Friday's Homework:

Read section 8.1 and 8.2 over again. Do problems 1,4,5,6,7 from 8.1 and 1,2 and 4 from 8.2.


Here is a program to help you simulate the weak law ...


local sorteddata, dx, lines,graphicslist, f: sorteddata:=[]: dx:=(xmax-xmin)/k: lines:=[]: graphicslist:=[]: sorteddata:=sort(data): if ((op(1,sorteddata)<xmin) or (op(nops(sorteddata),sorteddata)>xmax)) then lprint(`Note: some data values lie outside the user-defined interval.`) fi: f:=proc(k,sorteddata,xmin,dx,xmax,lines::evaln) local i,j,currentupperlim,leng,index,counter,result, finallist,q,numb,linelist: finallist:=[]: linelist:=[]: index:=1: leng:=nops(sorteddata): currentupperlim:=xmin+dx: result:=[]: for q from 1 to leng do if ((op(q,sorteddata)>=xmin) and (op(q,sorteddata)<=xmax)) then finallist:=[op(finallist),op(q,sorteddata)] fi: od: numb:=nops(finallist): for i from 1 to k do counter:=0: while ((index<=numb) and (op(index,finallist)<=currentupperlim)) do counter:=counter+1: index:=index+1: od: result:=[op(result),counter]: currentupperlim:=currentupperlim+dx: od: for j from 1 to k do linelist:=[op(linelist),[xmin + (j-1)*dx,0]]: linelist:=[op(linelist),[xmin + (j-1)*dx,op(j,result)/(leng*dx)]]: linelist:=[op(linelist),[xmin + j*dx,op(j,result)/(leng*dx)]]: linelist:=[op(linelist),[xmin + j*dx,0]]: od: lines:=linelist: end: f(k,sorteddata,xmin,dx,xmax,lines): plot(lines,style=LINE); end:

"Here we plug in the function f of the uniform random variable on the unit interval , the number of times n we will average an experiment with this distribution, and m the numbers of trials of this average. Then we see the density function of the average.";

Weak := proc(f,n,m)

local trans, U, explist, i , j, l, sum,average,avlist,xmin,xmax:



for l from 1 to m



for i from 1 to n



U := random[uniform[0,1]]();

explist := [op(explist), trans(U)];



for j from 1 to n


sum := sum + explist[j];

average := sum/n;


avlist := [op(avlist),average];


xmax := max(op(avlist));

xmin:= min(op(avlist));

Areabargraph(avlist,xmin - .5,xmax + .5,30);


"The uniform example";


"The exponential example";


"The geometric example";

Weak(ceil(ln(1-x)/ln(.5)),100,100); "we need a slight modification for the Cauchy example";

WeakC := proc(f,n,m)

local trans, U, explist, i , j, l, sum,average,avlist,xmin,xmax: with(stats): avlist:=[]; for l from 1 to m do; explist:=[]; for i from 1 to n do; trans:=unapply(f,x): U := random[uniform[0,1]](); explist := [op(explist), trans(U)]; od; sum:=0; for j from 1 to n do sum := sum + explist[j]; average := sum/n; od; avlist := [op(avlist),average]; od; xmax := max(op(avlist)); xmin:= min(op(avlist)); Areabargraph(avlist,-10,10,30); end: "The Cauchy example"; WeakC(tan(evalf(Pi)*(x+ 1/2)),1,200);

"The Cauchy example"; WeakC(tan(evalf(Pi)*(x+ 1/2)),100,200);

Math 60 Spring 2000