Math 23 Spring 1999

Math 23: Differential Equations

Spring 1999

Final Exam:

Saturday June 5, 1999, 4:00-6:00 PM, 1 Rockefeller

Section 1

Instructor: Matthew M. Conroy
Lecture times: MWF 8:45-9:50, X-hour Th 9:00-9:50
Lecture room: 217 Dartmouth.
Office hours: 9:50-10:20 MWF and by appointment
Office: 307 Bradley. Phone: 603-646-1720

Section 2

Instructor: David K. Maslen
Lecture times: MWF 11:15-12:20, X-hour Tu 12:00-12:50.
Lecture room: 103 Bradley.
Office hours: 14:00-15:00 Monday, 10:00-11:00 Friday, or by appointment. Click here to make an appointment.
Office: 210 Sudikoff. Phone: 603-646-1618


Text: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems by W.E. Boyce and R.C. DiPrima,
Student Solutions Manual by C.W. Haines
Information about Maple
Differential equations on the web:
Boston University Ordinary Differential Equations Project
Consortium of Ordinary Differential Equations Experiments
Differential Equations Resource Center
Integrals on the web: The Integrator.
Mathematics on the web: Penn State Math List.

Graphic Examples


There will be two tutorials each week, which are for students from both sections of the course.
Tutorial A: Th 20:00-22:00, Gerry 104.
Tutorial B: Sun 20:00-22:00, Gerry 104.


Exercises will be assigned every Monday and Wednesday. The exercises assigned on Monday are due the following Friday. Those assigned on Wednesday are due the following Monday. See the exercises page for the list of assignments.

Students with special requirements

We would be glad to make accomodations for students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, or students with other particular needs. Please feel free to discuss these with us after class, or during office hours.

The honor code

You are encouraged to get help on your homework. You can get help in our office hours, and should feel free to discuss problems with classmates or friends. But ultimately you must work through the problems and write up your assignment yourself. You must not give or receive help from anyone during examinations.

Dartmouth College
Dartmouth Mathematics
Mathematics People at Dartmouth