Math 20 Fall 1998

Math 20: Discrete Probability

Fall 1998

Instructor: David K. Maslen
Lecture times: MWF 11:15-12:20
X-hour: Tu 12:00-12:50
Lecture room: 104 Gerry
Mid-term exam: October 28, 11:15, 104 Gerry

Text: Introduction to Probability, by C. Grinstead and J. L. Snell

  • CHANCE Project

    Office: 210 Sudikoff
    Phone: 603-646-1618

    Office hours:
    15:00-16:00 Monday
    13:00-14:00 Wednesday
    or by appointment.

    Exercise 1 due Monday 5 October 1998.
    Exercise 2 due Monday 12 October 1998.
    Exercise 3 due Monday 19 October 1998.
    Exercise 4 due Monday 26 October 1998.
    Exercise 5 due Monday 2 November 1998.
    Exercise 6 due Wednesday 11 November 1998.
    Exercise 7 due Wednesday 18 November 1998.
    Optional exercise for people with spare time.
    Exercise 8 due Wednesday 25 November 1998.
    Exercise 9.

    The honor code: You are encouraged to get help on your homework. You can get help in my office hours, and should feel free to discuss problems with classmates or friends. But ultimately you must work through the problems and write up your assignment yourself. You must not give or receive help from anyone during examinations.

    Dartmouth College
    Dartmouth Mathematics
    Mathematics People