Math 1: Calculus with Algebra

Last updated August 28, 2015

Section Information

Course Information





During most x-hour (Tuesday) periods, there will be a short (15-20 minute) quiz. These quizzes will emphasize material covered in lectures during the previous week but may also cover earlier material. Textbooks, notes, calculators and other electronic devices are not permitted on quizzes.

In total, there will be 6 quizzes given, each worth 24 points, and we will drop the lowest score at the end of the term. If you know you will not be in class on a day that a quiz will be given, it is your responsibility to notify your instructor before that day and arrange a time to take the quiz. Without prior notice, make-up quizzes will not be given.


During the course, there will be two midterm exams and a cumulative final exam. The midterms not will include material covered in lecture during the week of the exam but may include any earlier material. All three exams will be sit-down exams with no books, notes, calculators, or other electronic devices permitted.

The midterms will be held on Thursday evenings, 7:00-9:00pm. The final will be held during the finals period. If you are unable to make an exam, it is your responsibility to notify your instructor at least 24 hours prior to the exam and arrange a make-up time. If you have an exam accomodation, the timing or location of the exam may be different and you should be in contact with your instructor to work out the details. Each midterm is worth 120 points and the final exam is worth 180 points.

We will announce the location of an exam as soon as it is available.

Exam 1:
    Thursday, October 8, 7:00-9:00pm in Wilder 111.
Midterm 1
Answer Key

Exam 2:
    Thursday, October 29, 7:00-9:00pm in Wilder 111.
Midterm 2
Answer Key

Final Exam:
    Friday, November 20, 3:00-6:00pm in Moore B03.
Final Review #1
Final Review #2

Some sample problems for the first and second midterm exams are posted below. These are copies of exams that have been given in Math 1 in previous years. Note that the topic coverage changes slightly every year, so not all problems on these exams are representative of the types of problems that we will have. If you have any questions please contact your instructor.