Math 11 - Fall 1997

Calculus for Advanced Placement Freshmen

(Last Modified 15 October 1997)

Textbook | Scheduled Lectures | Instructors (office hours)
Examinations | Homework Policy | Grades
The Honor Principle | Tutorials | Disabilities

Term Syllabus | Weekly Syllabus and Assignments
Information for using Maple | Classroom Demos | PC Downloads

Practice Integrals | Math 11 Practice Exam 1 | Math 11 Practice Exam 1 Solutions

Math 11 Practice Exam 2 | Math 11 Practice Exam 2 Solutions

Math 11 Final Exam Information


Calculus 2nd Edition, by Holder, DeFranza, Pasachoff
(Available at the Dartmouth Bookstore and Wheelock Books)


Section 1 (Shemanske) MWF 11:15 - 12:20
(x hour T 12 - 12:50)
Cook Auditorium
Section 2 (Arkowitz) MWF 12:30 - 1:35
(x hour T 1 - 1:50)
111 Wilder


Professor M. Arkowitz Professor T. R. Shemanske
Office: 315 Bradley Hall Office: 203 Choate House
Office Hours
Phone: 646 - 2419 Phone: 646 - 3179
or BlitzMail (preferred) or BlitzMail (preferred)


There will be two "hour examinations" and a final examination. The hour exams are scheduled as follows:

Hour Exam 1 October 22, 1997 5:30 - 7:30 pm Cook Auditorium
Hour Exam 2 November 12, 1997 5:30 - 7:30 pm Cook Auditorium

The Registrar's Office schedules the final exam, which will occur during the period December 6 - 10. If you must make travel plans before the schedule for final exams appears, do not make plans to leave Hanover before December 11. Exams will not be given early to accommodate travel plans. 

Homework Policy

Written homework will be assigned daily and will be due before the next class meeting. Homework will be turned in to and picked up from the boxes outside of the lecture hall. Late papers will not be graded. Missing papers count zero. Moreover, neatness counts; if the grader can't read your paper, you get no credit.

Homework will be graded on an 0 - 2 point scale: 2, mostly correct; 1, about half correct, 0; mostly incorrect or missing. Homework scores will be used only in helping to determine borderline grades, although there is a very strong correlation between those who do not do the homework regularly and those who receive low exam grades.


The course grade will be based upon the scores on the two hour exams and the final exam. Homework scores affect your grade only in borderline cases.

Hour Exams 200 points (100 points each)
Final Exam 150 points
Total 350 points

The Honor Principle

On Exams: No help given or received

On Homework: Collaboration is permitted and encouraged, but NO COPYING . In other words, you should feel free to talk to other students while you are in the process of thinking about a problem. However, when it comes time to write up your solutions, you should do this by yourself without outside assistance. 


Tutorial assistance for this course will be available in  103 and 104 Bradley, Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 7 -- 10 pm. Tutorials will commence on Thursday, September 25.


Students with disabilities who will be taking this course and may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see their instructor as soon as possible. Also, they should stop by the Academic Skills Center in Collis Center to register for support services.