CURRENT LIST OF Math116 PROJECT IDEAS - please add! (let me know...) * Implement anything from course in 3D, test convergence, make nice slice plots * Corners in BIE: guassian quadrature rules on intervals meeting at corner. study non-compactness, form of density there. Use latter part of Kress 1991 review, graded mesh. Compare against naive uniform grid which ignores corners, also piecewise gaussian quadrature, Rokhlin/Greengard. * Try MPS or MFS for wave scattering or interior BVPs, study convergence and corners. * Implement optical/acoustic dielectric scattering (2 materials with different wavenumbers, match layer representations inside and outside, Rokhlin 1983). * Dielectric bound modes. * Matt's piecewise homogeneous coefficient Laplace equation (in a box?): fwd problem for current affected by a circular change in coeff. * Compare BIE for interior eigenvalue problem to MPS. * Compare geometric optics against wave scatt, study some geometric wavenumber-independent BIE variants (Chandler-Wilde). * Make concave objects with pockets to trap scatt waves, look for narrow resonances, match with WKB prediction for lifetimes (using gaussian cross-section, geom optics description). * Measure scar strength for a single UPO of known Lyapunov exponent, vary it. * Inverse problem: use map from incident to far field pattern to invert for shape, using a basic few-param representation of shape (like Yu Chen's PhD student). * Hyperbolic geometry: understand and implement eigenmodes or scattering on the pseudosphere. * Model an acoustic `Helmholtz resonator' (Neumann BC, exterior wave scattering with reentrant shape). [* Fast Multipole Method (FMM) - probably not realistic] (Yu Chen's 2-object separation factorization).