
A Matter of Time
College Course 2
Winter 2000

Professors Lahr and Pastor

Mid-Term Exam

IMAGE essay201.gif

(Due Monday, January 31)

In five pages, with one-inch margins, and in 12-point Times font, double-spaced, answer the following
question. Hand in your written essay in class on Monday, January 31.


We have seen how different peoples have conceptualized time in different ways, through art,
literature, philosophy, and mathematics. Using a compass as the metaphor for Elias' means of
, write an essay that addresses the following question:

IMAGE essay202.gif

How does time function as a compass in human affairs—social, cultural, historical, religious,
scientific, etc.?


Discussion Session on Tuesday

IMAGE essay203.gif

The Teaching Assistants again will be conducting discussion sessions on Tuesday, January 25 during the x-
hour, 12:00-1:00, in 102 Bradley.


Guidelines for Written Exercises

IMAGE essay204.gif

Style (20%)

Clean grammar, correct spelling (5)
Organization (5)
Clarity (5)
Conciseness (5)

Structure and Development (40%)

Engage: Make use of class notes and readings. Do not simply cite; try to engage them. (10)
Synthesize: Aim to synthesize mathematical and cultural concepts. (10)
Reason: Use clear logic to formulate and develop a coherent overall argument. (20)

Content (40%)

Answer the question fully by selecting the best combination and number of central ideas to support
your arguments. In developing your arguments, draw on concepts with specific quotes and citations
touching on:

Creation Myths (must use 2 out of 3):
-Enuma Elish
-Hesiod's Theogony


Art (must use 2 out of 3):
-Toreador Fresco
