
Fall Term 1996

Professor - Therese A. Stukel, PhD; Dartmouth Medical School
Teaching Associate and Teaching Assistant (Math Graduate Student) - TBN.
Prerequisites - MATH 10 or equivalent (introductory statistics course) and simple matrix theory; calculus not required.
Textbook - Applied Linear Statistical Models, Neter, Kutner, Nachtsheim, and Wasserman; 1996, 4th ed.
Class notes.
Software - Small STATA 5.0
There are key-served versions of STATA available in the MATH 30 course folder in PUBLIC.
Manuals (optional) - "Getting Started in STATA" and STATA reference manuals, 3 vol. set. There are a full set of manuals on reserve; much of the relevant information is available as online help or will be conveyed during the tutorials.
Schedule - Tuesday, Thursday 10-11:50 AM; x-hour Wednesday 3:00-3:50 PM.
x-hours will be used for labs and to make up canceled lectures.
Duration - 10 weeks.
Homework - will be assigned most weeks on Tuesday, with one week to complete the work. You may discuss homework with other students, but the work you hand in must be your own. The ability to write up results clearly will be emphasized.
Projects - will be assigned at about weeks 6 and 9 in the course, with one week to complete the work.
Grading System - Homework 40%
 Project 1 20%
 Project 2 20%
 Class Participation 20%

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©Copyright 1997, Therese A. Stukel, Dartmouth College