COCO 2 - A Matter of

CL 65/Math 5

Winter 2005


Texts: The books for the course are: A Matter of Time, draft manuscript by Lahr and Pastor, One Hundred years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, and a Course Reader. All are available at Wheelock Books.


Dwight Lahr, Department of Mathematics

410 Bradley, 646-2415

Office Hours: MW: 12:00–1:00 (and by appointment)

Beatriz Pastor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

219 Dartmouth, 646-2016

Office Hours: MW: 1:40–2:40 (and by appointment)

We encourage you to contact us by e-mail for purposes of asking questions, making comments, or setting up meetings.

Teaching Assistant: Marty Malandro, Office 1-B, in the basement of Bradley. He will hold problem sessions in his office Tuesdays 12-2 and Thursdays 2-3:30 to answer any math questions.

General organization:

The class will meet three days a week in Carson L01. Two of these meetings will follow a lecture format, for the most part alternating between humanities and mathematics. The Friday session will usually combine joint presentations by the instructors to bridge gaps across disciplines and to open student discussion. If you would like to suggest a question or topic for the Friday Discussion, you should post it on the course website (see address below) by early Thursday morning. The topics to be addressed during the Friday Discussion will be posted on the website by Thursday afternoon. All students should review the topics for the Friday Discussion before coming to class.

Course Website:

The address of the CL 65/Math 5, Winter 2005 - A Matter of Time website is We will use it as an integral part of the course, so you definitely should check it out right away and add it to your bookmarks.

Assignments and grades:

In addition to completing all reading assignments and math assignments by the due-date, students will be expected to participate actively in class discussions, especially the Friday Discussions. There also will be two multiple-choice exams (one each in weeks four and seven), and a final paper. The multiple choice exams will be 50 questions each, with roughly 10 of those being math problems. The questions will draw on material from the textbook and the reader, as presented in class. The final will be a seven-to-ten-page double-spaced paper on a choice of assigned topics, due on the first day of final examinations. Students will be required to submit a first draft to Jane Whittington, the Math department's writing specialist, for comments. (See the syllabus for anticipated schedule.) The two exams and the paper will each be worth 100 points for an overall total of 300 points.

Meetings with your instructors:

You should not hesitate to contact either one of your instructors about issues related to the course. You can send e-mail messages to us, make appointments, or drop into our scheduled office hours.

Academic Honor Principle:

On in-class exams: Feel free to brainstorm with fellow students, and the TA, or your instructors as you prepare for the exam. During the taking of the exam itself, no help is to be given or received.

On homework or the final paper: Feel free to brainstorm with fellow students, the TA, or your instructors. However, when it comes to writing your paper (or any other materials for submission), you must do so by yourself without outside assistance and in your own words. In this regard, it is a violation of the Honor Principle to share electronic files or notes, or to participate in editing a joint document. You must produce by yourself the paper written for submission, and there should be no doubt that this is what we expect.

Students with Disabilities:

Any student with a documented disability needing academic adjustments or accommodations is requested to speak to one of your instructors by the end of the second week of the term. All discussions will remain confidential, although the Student Disabilities Coordinator may be consulted to verify the documentation of the disability. The Student Disabilities Coordinator is Nancy Pompian, at extension 6-2014, in the Academic Skills Center. In addition to providing information and services, the Center is in charge of registering disabilities and approving accommodations.

Dwight Lahr  
6188 Bradley Hall
Hanover, NH 03755-3551
FAX: (603) 646-1312

Beatriz Pastor  
6072 Dartmouth Hall
Hanover, NH 03755