Final Project

Half your grade in this course will come from your final project which will be the culmination of your work in the course. In it you will apply the ideas explored in this course to a topic of interest to you. Possible topics are the collecting and analyzing data that interests you, performing and analyzing a survey or clincal trial, constructing and analyzing a game or strategy you have invented, or any other approved relavent topic. You are encouraged to work a groups, though no group may contain more than three people. If your projects includes a survey, a taste challenge or similar phenona you will be required to try them out and discuss them with the class and the class will be required to give you feed back (time allowing). During final's week the Chance Fair will take place, at which time you will give a poster/multimedia presentation of your project . The project grade will be decomposed into three individually graded peices including: a draft (10% of your totasl grade), the final written project (including all relavent data, 30%), and your poster board/mult media presentation and explanation at the Chance Fair (10%).

The following time table will be enforced (detailed dates pending):

Week 7 Last chance to decide aupon groups and topics. If your project involves a survey, clinic trial, taste test or similar phenomena a draft of the survey (etc) will be due this week.
Week 8 An outline of your project will be due and in class practice surveys and data collection will begin.
Week 9 A draft will be turned in, so that specific shortcomings can be addressed (notice that the state of this draft will determine 10% of your grade!).
Final's Week Your project will be presented at the Chance Fair at which point your written final project will be tured in.