Math 39 Homework #7

Work is the greatest thing in the world,
so we should always save some of it for tomorrow.
Don Herald


Remember that we have a quiz on Monday 10/12 on Lectures 5 - 7.


Read what we will cover in the next class: 3.1 & 3.2.

When reading 3.1 pay special attention to the following concepts:

  • predicates, universal quantifier, existential quantifier, bound variables, the relationship between the existential and the universal quantifier.
When reading 3.2 pay special attention to the following concepts:
  • the alphabet, term, wfs, atomic formulas, scope of quantifier, bound vs free variable term t is free for x.


The following problems are due by the beginning of class on Monday 10/5.
  • 2.2: 11.
  • Prove that an extension L* of L is inconsistent iff there exists a finite subset of L* that is inconsistent.
  • Prove that an extension L* of L is consistent iff L* is satisfiable.
    (See HW #5 if you need the definition of satisfiable)
  • Prove that if L* is an extension of L and every finite subset of L* is satisfiable, then L* is satisfiable.
  • Prove that if F is a satisfiable extension of L and A is a wf, then at least one of
    F U {A} and F U {~A} is satisfiable.
  • Let F be a consistent extension of L. Prove that the following are equivalent:
    (1) F is complete,
    (2) F has exactly one model.