Mathematics Colloquium

Thursday, October 5, 1995, 4:00pm

Professor John J. Benedetto

University of Maryland

speaks on

Wiener's Generalized Harmonic Analysis and Wavelet Systems

Abstract: Wiener's Generalized Harmonic Analysis is an old topic and wavelet theory is a new one. They both address problems in signal processing and turbulence, as well as other applications. Mathematically, they have common roots in Fourier analysis, including topics such as the classical uncertainty principle inequality and spectral estimation methods. This material is described, along with recent related results such as Bourgain's Phase Plane Theorem, and the quantitative definition of the Fourier transform for weighted spaces.

Tea: High tea will be served at 3:30pm in the Lounge.

Emmy's: Certain refreshments will be available at the Emmy's after the talk.

Host: Tim Olson will be the host, anybody interested in having dinner with the speaker should contact Tim.